
Showing posts from August, 2020

navigation and picking tools of Scene View in unity editor

The Scene View The Scene view is your interactive world that we create. We can use scene view to select and position camera, character, lights and other gameObjects. Dealing with gameObjects is first skill that you learn. Scene View Navigation The Scene view has many navigation to move quickly around scene and these are following Scene Gizmo Scene Gizmo appears at the top right corner in scene view. It has conical arms with label x, y, and z. You can toggle perspective view on or off   In 2D mode Gizmo does not appear because you only have xy plane to navigate. Moving , orbiting and zooming in scene view For navigation in scene view moving, orbiting and zooming are key operations. Unity provide many tools for it. 1. Arrow Movement -  You can use arrow key to move around scene view. Arrow up and down key are used for moving forward and backward as scene is and left and right arrow use to move left and right side. You can use shift key to move fast. 2. Hand tool - You can select hand too

The Toolbar in Unity editor interface

The Toolbar is present at the top of unity editor. It is the only unity editor interface that can not be rearrange. The Toolbar consist of several controls related to different part of unity editor. It is used for the transformation in scene view. First tool in the toolbar is Hand tool is used to pan around scene view. You can also select it by just pressing Q key from keyboard. Second tool is Move tool which is used to move gameobjects in scene view you can select it by just pressing W key in keyboard. Third tool is used to rotate objects in scene view and to access it press E key. Forth one is for scaling gameObjects and can be accessed by pressing key R. Last fifth and sixth are rect transform and transform tool can be accessed by T & Y key respectively.  this tool is use to toggling the transform gizmo effect in scene view  these buttons are use for playing , pausing and stepping game in game view.  By clicking collab from dropdown it will launch Unity collaborate for accessing

Unity's interface - basic introduction to unity editor

 This post will provide most basic window of unity editor 1. The Toolbar provide most essential working features for dealing with gameObjects transformation or navigation in scene view. It also contain play,pause and step controls and also contains buttons for unity cloud services , unity collaborate and your unity account. It  contain layer visibility menu and layout menu to control layout 2. The Hierarchy Window is a text representation of gameObjects in scene view and it deal with how gameobjects are connected to each other. You can make a gameobject child or parent of other gameobject by dragging a gameobject into other and can also change visibility of gameObjects. 3. The Scene View is a visual reprentation of your game scene. in scene view you can edit and arrange your gameobjects. Scene view can be 2d or 3d whatever project you are creating and you can change it in orthographic or perspective view. It is an interactive world that you create and it is first basic step to know in

Creating new project in unity hub

  Starting Unity Hub Unity hub is a standalone software to download unity editors and manage them creating new projects and managing existing ones and to manage you licence and for learning and much more.  Now just take look at some features of unity hub Creating New Projects To create a new project in unity hub just follow following steps. Open unity hub Click on new tab in projects tab a title bar of installed editor version will be show to select editor version Different editor version while creating new unity project. After selecting unity editor version a new dialog of creating project appear here write name of your project and choose location where you want to save your project and choose template of your game like 2d , 3d or High Definition RP. Just click on create and your project will be created. Basic introduction to unity hub Project Tab In Project tab you can find all you projects that hub is managing and you can add a project by clicking add button from your computer and n

How to install unity editor

Unity Hub You can use the Hub to: You can manage your Unity account and Editor licenses. Ypu can create your Project, associate a default version of the Unity Editor with the Project, and manage the installation of multiple versions of the Editor. you can launch different versions of Unity from your Project view. Manage and select Project build targets without launching the Editor. Run two versions of Unity at the same time. Note that to prevent local conflicts and other odd scenarios, you should only open a Project in one Editor instance at a time. You can add components to existing installations of the Editor. When you download a version of the Editor through Unity Hub, you can find and add additional components (such as specific platform support, Visual Studio, offline docs and Standard Assets) either during initial install or at a later date. Use Project Templates to jump-start the creation process for common Project types. Unity’s Project Templates provide default values for commo

Creating and Destroying GameObjects in unity

Creating GameObjects Some Games Keeps normal object in game but some require addition gameObjects at runtime so you can simply create game objects in run time by calling Instantiate function which make copy of existing gameObject   Example :- public GameObject object; void Start() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Instantiate(object); } } It will create 5 gameObject as soon as you start game. if object from which the copy is made doesn’t have to be present in the scene. It is more common to use a prefab  dragged to a public variable from the Project panel in the editor. Also, instantiating a GameObject will copy all the Components present on the original . Example:- using UnityEngine; public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // Reference to the Prefab. Drag a Prefab into this field in the Inspector. public GameObject myPrefab; // This script will simply instantiate the Prefab when the game starts. void Start() { // Instantiate at position

Bolt Visual Scripting is now free for all unity user

Bolt is visual scripting asset for unity. It allow user to create logic for games or application without writing any code.  Bolt has visual, node-based graphs that both programmers and non-programmers can use to design final logic or to quickly create prototypes.  Bolt also features an API that programmers can use for more advanced tasks, or to create custom nodes that can be used by other team members. To learn more about Bolt, find tutorials, and find links to the community, check out the  Bolt Asset Store  page. Now Bolt visual scripting is now included in all Unity plans, at no additional cost. Bolt is now available for download by all Unity users through the  Unity Asset Store  for free. Unity has acquired bolt for  people to feel empowered to make amazing things and Bolt is a way to accelerate that mission.  Visual scripting is to make it as universal and accessible as writing a simple script Enables more creators, in particular non-programmers, to leverage Unity and achieve thei

how to setup unity ads in mobile game

Configuring your project Setting build target Configure your project for supported platforms using build setting set build target to android or iOS Installing Unity ads by package manager 1. in editor click Windows and then select package manager 2. Select advertisement package from list and and select recent verified version of unity ads and click on install or update button. Creating Placement Open  Developer Dashboard  and use operate tab and create a new project or use existing one and then open it select your project and here you will find all you need Expand monetization and select placements  On selecting placement you find here your Game Ids so just remember that we will use them later.  at right right side of game ids there will be your placements Two placement of video and rewarded video are created there  and if you want other placement then click on add placement and then click on any placement video or rewarded video the here you will find your placement id. In unity ads t