Creating new project in unity hub
Starting Unity Hub
Unity hub is a standalone software to download unity editors and manage them creating new projects and managing existing ones and to manage you licence and for learning and much more.
Now just take look at some features of unity hub
Creating New Projects
To create a new project in unity hub just follow following steps.
Open unity hub
Click on new tab in projects tab a title bar of installed editor version will be show to select editor version
Different editor version while creating new unity project.
After selecting unity editor version a new dialog of creating project appear
here write name of your project and choose location where you want to save your project and choose template of your game like 2d , 3d or High Definition RP.
Just click on create and your project will be created.
Basic introduction to unity hub
Project Tab
In Project tab you can find all you projects that hub is managing and you can add a project by clicking add button from your computer and new to create new project.
Learn Screen Tab
In learn tab you will find various sample projects with tutorial to learn basic concepts
In this tab you will find example projects that you can import into unity.All projects contains tutorial to complete them and learn unity concepts.
By clicking on any project you will see download and tutorial button to download project and see tutorial
Tutorials Tab
Tutorial tab deals with basic of unity editor interface and main development tool
just click on any tutorial to show tutorial
Now click on view tutorial to see tutorial.